Day: November 25, 2019


It has been a while, I have quite a few today, they may be repeats. Repeats are even more worth the share because they just keep on giving. And it’s been so long, I am bursting at the seams with appreciation for this life.

First, I am thankful for all the produce in my fridge. The fact that I can afford it. The fact that it was straight up delivered to me. The fact that I’ve had a full week of healthy eating. I already feel better and have lost 3.8 lbs. It’s just the beginning of a long distance marathon. Maybe I’ll take up running..? Nah, probably not.

First.5, I am thankful for my good pal, Carrie, who got me back into weight watchers. She brought it up and 5 minutes later, I was meal planning. Maybe I’ll cancel in a couple months, but it’s always a good way to start again. I just need the motivation to pay attention to what I’m eating. That’s all you really need, up to a certain point.

First x3, I am thankful for the photos of my boss’ client appreciation event that made me realize how much weight I’ve put on! I did not like the way I looked at all, and it’s those photos that kicked my ass into gear. I know what I need to do, I just need to stop being so lazy. Each time I fall down, it takes that much longer to get back up. Hoping I can stay up this time.

Second, my husband. This time of year, I used to always feel so lonely. My family is far away and not in strong contact. My closest friends are far away. Chicago is a cold, dreary city this time of year. Most the friends I have made here, have since moved away. This year, for the first time in a long time, I am really looking forward to the holidays. Is it the being married part? Because not much else has changed since last year.

Third, my dog. I never could have imagined adopting a dog would be so incredibly easy. He is a dream come true. I’d wish I’d done it sooner, but if I’d done that.. I wouldn’t have ended up with this guy. I love him. Double bonus, I get to say hi to all the neighborhood pups without just being the weird girl who wants to pet your dog.

Fourth, my apartment. Working in real estate, I am constantly on the lookout for an affordable place. And there is just nothing in Chicago that is as cheap as my place is. Sure, I don’t own, but that just means any issues aren’t my problem. Sure, this is a shitty old building, but even if we left, I’d still be drawn to old… old means character. Sure, laundry in-unit would be ideal, but at least it’s in the building.

Fifth, my work that allows me to do endless, brainless, data entry type work, which I actually thoroughly enjoy, contrary to the populace. But also, I am being given the opportunity to utilize my puzzle-solving, organizational skills. Some people are creative, I am ORGANIZED… it’s a form of creativity, in my mind.

Fifth.5.. This morning, I rolled out of bed and started working. Not having to commute for an hour, to go 3 miles, and having to wake up an hour earlier than that, to get presentable, is something to be thankful for. The companies of tomorrow will all operate, remotely.

Fifth x3, I do work for multiple people at the moment, but I am thankful that I truly admire each of them, individually. I enjoy working with each one of them, in a different way. It is impossible to feel burnt out when you have such a variety of day-to-day material.

I took such a massive leap into the dark and I could not be more thankful for that, today. All I want to do is take more scary leaps and see where I land. In my experiences, the scarier the leap, the better the outcome. But maybe I’m just lucky?